Monday, February 25, 2008

more on the frost cento

I spent a good number of hours this weekend on my first run through Frost's complete poems. I finished it--at 1 o'clock last night. I now have 128 pages of lines (double spaced).

Needless to say, I need to buy some extra printing paper and another ink cartridge before I proceed to the next step.

As I've been getting into it, I've noticed how unified Frost's poems are from beginning to end. Sometimes it feels like his work was 'made' for my project--all the elements of the story are pervasive throughout all his poems.

In a way, it's going to be a collage poem, a play, an essay, an environment. (I've already started thinking about the performative aspects of this project--but I am getting ahead of myself.) This is definitely the sort of thing I could excerpt for journals or get published as a chapbook by a small press. (Yes, way ahead of myself.)

There's still a little fear (that is, excitement) because I've selected all these lines but I just don't know how they are all going to fit together. And what rules, systems are going to change along the way.

(There's so much more going on in my head--what it's like to use the line, the fact that I can repeat lines in this process, more worrisome questions about authorship than my usual collage poems.)

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