Wednesday, June 6, 2007

6 Jun 07: notes

- First time using images. I took a stack of old issues of Scientific Americans from the library (set out for free, not stolen) but they were unfruitful for the most part. Need to find other magazines, though I'd like to avoid, say, Time or mainstream mags.

- Image was useful for drawing the poem away from the text. There is a challenge in trying to talk about something completely different than the original author. Image makes composition more important.

- "a kind of cowardly" ... like how this was pulled from context.

- "don't coop a bloom" like 'Don't cop a tude' but means 'don't hide a budding flower'

- "we study What Art" as in 'How Great Thou Art'

- "entire lack of a plum" is to mean 'plumb'... hmmm...does this come across?


Ruthie said...

how about old "Saturday Evening Post" mags from an "antique" store?

Ryan said...

good idea, thanks.