Tuesday, October 2, 2007

...almost done!

Tonight I wrestled over a title for my book (from scraps, of course):

| brave little joke | play | free |

| to see a storm | of | repair |

| a towering pile of | meaning |

And many others I loved less than those. But, as always happened, the best (and final) title happened in a flash of seconds and without warning. Boy, do I want to tell you what it is. But I want everything to come at once like Christmas.

What I have left to do: possibly add illustrations (I want little birds somehow), cut the pages, scan the pages, figure out how to make a PDF file, then figure out how to bind the book. Since there will be only be one book I think the primary distribution will be as a PDF file.

There are several small design problems because I've been making decisions on the fly, which in future books will be eliminated. A few little gluing errors, but much-much cleaner than my early poems (now that I have bookbinder's glue and a fine brush).

Most importantly, I think, is that the humor and playfulness comes through, and the musical qualities of the language, and the love. These poems are the most personal, most honest I've ever composed--unabashedly sentimental.

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